Themes of sadness in popular songs suggest that contemporary music is either reflecting, or influencing, broad social changes. Article written by Krystine I. Batcho Ph.D.
NPR: Have a politically divided family? These tips help you talk across the dinner table
How to manage potential political conflicts with family over the holidays. Article written by Rachel Carlson.
PsyPost: The psychology of falling in love quickly
People high in “emophilia,” the tendency to fall in love quickly and often, are motivated by the excitement, novelty, and euphoria of new and intense romantic connections. Article written by Eric W. Dolan.
Forbes: 3 Ways to Actually Kick Bad Habits for Good
With knowledge of the human reward system, you may be able to make significant and positive changes to your behavior. Article written by Mark Travers.
Psychology Today: How to Address Post-Traumatic Stress After the Election
It may be good for your mental health to develop more understanding and compassion for people who did not vote for your candidate. Article written by Diane N Solomon Ph.D.