By anticipating the trigger behaviors you find irritating, you may be able to choose a better response. Article written by Aditi Shrikant.
Psychology Today: 5 Subtle Signs You’re in a Toxic Romantic Relationship
What to look out for if you’ve become concerned that your relationship isn’t good for you. Article written by Jamie Cannon MS, LPC.
ExploringYourMind: Integrative Psychotherapy
Many therapists will tell you they practice integrative psychotherapy. What does that mean? Article written by Sofía Gimbert.
Psychology Today: 5 Triggers for Adults With Childhood Emotional Neglect
How and why childhood emotional neglect has significant effects later in life. Article written by Jonice Webb Ph.D.
PsyPost: New insights into the psychological dynamics of relationship satisfaction and humor perception
How does one’s sense of humor influence one’s relationships? Article written by Eric W. Dolan.