Reliable strategies to improve the resilience of highly sensitive people. Article written by Carla Shuman Ph.D.
The Conversation: Laughter can communicate a lot more than good humor
On the many types, and meanings, of laughter. Article written by Adrienne Wood.
Psychology Today: When Words Fail
Five ways to moderate interpersonal conflicts before they do serious damage. Article written by Kathy McCoy Ph.D.
PsyPost: Gender influences the link between narcissism and emotion regulation, researchers find
A new study shows that male and female narcissists behave differently in working to manage their own negative affect. Article written by Rachel Schepke.
Psychology Today: 2 Reasons To Finally Let Go of “The One That Got Away”
Why relationships in the past are so easy to idealize, and what that can do to the future. Article written by Jourdan Travers LCSW.