What is interoception and how can it help us be more present, when we meditate? Article written by Sandra Parker Ph.D.
Nightmare on Film Street:Why We Love to Be Scared
What horror films can teach us about human emotional experience. Article written by Kimberley Elizabeth.
Psychology Today: Cultivating Kindness for Yourself
On the practice, and the value, of self-compassion. Article written by Lizabeth Roemer Ph.D.
PsyPost: New psychology research indicates attentional dysregulation plays a central role in various mental health problems
Further connections have been found between ADHD symptoms and other mental health problems, such as depression and anxiety, in adolescents. Article written by Eric W. Dolan.
Psychology Today: How to Deal With Expectation Bias
Managing your expectations is key to maintaining an even mood when the future is uncertain. Article written by James R Langabeer PhD, EdD.