Suggestions for how you may be able to tune in to your own values. Article written by Renée Onque.
PsyPost: New research reveals why funny romantic partners are more desirable
Why is a good sense of humor such a sought-after trait in a romantic partner? Article written by Eric W. Dolan.
Psychology Today: How Toxic Relatives Weaponize Social Media
How to assert good boundaries with regard to your family members and their posts on social media. Article written by Erin Leonard Ph.D.
PsyPost: Internet use predicts heightened anxiety symptoms in adolescent girls, but not boys
Internet use at age 15 predicts the development of anxiety symptoms in 17 year old girls. Article written by Eric W. Dolan.
Psychology Today: 5 Things Not to Say to Someone Experiencing Anxiety
Practical strategies on how to communicate better with someone who’s anxious. Article written by Jennifer Gerlach LCSW.