Earning more money does improve your self-esteem and level of happiness, but only up to a point. Article written by Ronald E. Riggio Ph.D.
PsyPost: Honor-oriented women might be less sensitive to cues that a potential romantic partner is aggressive
Women from contemporary “honor cultures” are more likely to see aggressive men as romantically desirable. Article written by Vladimir Hedrih.
CNBC: Putting your head down and hustling is ‘totally wrong,’ says Yale happiness expert
What makes people happier: success at work, good sleep, or strong connections to family and friends? Article written by Ashton Jackson.
Psychology Today: 5 Ways to Enjoy the Present When Worried for the Future
How to stay present instead of letting your worries dominate. Article written by Jennifer Gerlach LCSW.
CNBC: Here’s the No. 1 way to respond to passive aggressive behavior
Specific signs of passive-aggressive communication, and how to respond to each. Article written by Dr. Cortney Warren.