How “doomscrolling” can be harmful to our health, and what you can do about it. Article written by Phil Reed D.Phil.
APA PsycNet: Tribalism and Tribulations: The Social Costs of Not Sharing Fake News
What kind of social pressure might make people more likely to share fake news, online? Article written by Lawson, M. A., Anand, S., & Kakkar, H.
Neuroscience News: ChatGPT’s Role in Shaping Identity and Personal Narratives
Can ChatGPT help people develop useful or therapeutic personal narratives?
Parade: 12 Common Habits of People With High Emotional Intelligence
Cognitive and practical ways to build EI. Article written by Beth Ann Mayer.
Yahoo: The psychology of food aversions
Some people avoid certain foods, or types of food, their whole lives. When does this become a problem? Article written by Korin Miller.