A study shows that meditation can cause people to experience time as passing more slowly. Article written by Emily Nauman.
Medical News Today: Lack of sleep and exercise, too much TV affects teens’ mental health
A study of over 12,000 teenagers suggests that frequent media use, sedentary behavior and reduced sleep are associated with suicidal thoughts and symptoms of depression. Article written by Honor Whiteman.
Time: Sleep’s best-kept secret: A treatment for insomnia that’s not a pill
For insomniacs: the “gold standard” treatment, and a new smartphone app, SleepRate, that can function as a sleep lab in your own home. Article written by Francine Russo.
Psychology Today: Meet The Super Taskers
Most people perform more poorly when trying to do two things at once. “Supertaskers” actually do better at both. Article written by Kat McGowan.
The New York Times: A Solution That Now Looks Crazy
A review of “American Psychosis: How the Federal Government Destroyed the Mental Illness Treatment System,” by E. Fuller Torrey, MD. Review written by Richard A. Friedman, MD.