On differences between harmful, negative stress and the positive, beneficial kind. Article written by Melanie Greenberg, Ph.D.
Tiptap Lab.com: A History of Personality Psychology: Part 2
Theories of personality structure, from the Lexical Hypothesis through the Big Five dimensions of personality. Article written by Carson Sandy.
Tiptap Lab.com: A History of Personality Psychology: Part 1
Theories of the personality, from Hippocrates to Carl Rogers. Article written by Madeline Ford.
The Huffington Post: Choosing Psychotherapy Today
The various modes and methods of psychotherapy in common use, and some tips on what type of therapy might work best for each person. Article written by Deborah L. Cabaniss, M.D.
PsychCentral.com: Why Ruminating is Unhealthy and How to Stop
The mental-health dangers of obsessing on negative life events. Article written by Margarita Tartakovsky, M.S.