Lack of emotion, fragmentary memories, and even the failure to physically resist an assailant are now being recognized as normal human responses to trauma. Article written by Rebecca Ruiz.
Mental Floss: 10 Famous Psychological Experiments That Could Never Happen Today
Including several documentary videos (alternately depressing and horrifying). Article written by Meredith Danko.
Harvard Business Review: Interview with Ellen Langer
Harvard psychology professor Ellen Langer describes the practical benefits of mindfulness in work and daily life.
The Guardian: Dreams of ‘self-discovery’ destroying marriage, claims psychologist
Eli Finkel, director of social psychology at Northwestern University, believes couples are setting unrealistic goals for marriage, which results in a sense of failure to live up to these demands. Article written by Ian Sample. Selfie-Loathing
How Instagram exaggerates the aspects of Facebook that are well-known to threaten a users’ self-esteem. Article written by Jessica Winter.