Three principles of good parenting that can help children manage stress and even overcome genetic vulnerability. Article written by Angela Braden.
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Three principles of good parenting that can help children manage stress and even overcome genetic vulnerability. Article written by Angela Braden.
Harvard psychologist Ellen Langer has long studied mindfulness meditation, which — according to the research — can improve emotional equilibrium and help people cope with cognitive distractions. Article written by Maria Konnikova.
The internal experience of reflexive shame, and some suggestions for coping with it. Article written by John Amodeo, Ph.D.
Using the principles of behaviorism to understand the overuse of Twitter by “Beliebers” and other online fan groups. Article written by Kayleigh Roberts.
Even “mild to moderate” family problems in a child’s early years can have noticeable effects on the development of the brain. As published in NeuroImage: Clinical, volume 4 (2014), p. 308-318.