Low blood sugar levels are correlated with punitive anger toward one’s spouse. In other words, postpone the argument until after dinner and it may not happen at all.
Fast Company Design: Inside The Offices Of 12 Psychoanalysts
Photographs of psychoanalysts’ offices, demonstrating the variety of their design intentions. Article written by Carey Dunne.
New York Magazine: Friending Your Shrink
Psychotherapists struggle with questions raised by their presence, and the presence of their patients, on social media. Article written by Anna Davies.
Scientific American: The Irrationality of Irrationality
Popular psychology books about human irrationality cause people to fall prey to the same irrational thought processes these books call out. Article written by Sam McNerney.
Psychology Today: Is Texting Stressing You Out?
On the psychological risks of too-frequent texting. Article written by Susan Krauss Whitbourne, Ph.D.