Qualities that can help you resist the negative effects of stress. Article written by Susan Krauss Whitbourne PhD, ABPP
PsyPost: New research links daytime activity to healthy rest at night
Greater associations have been found between amount of daily exercise and amount of sleep. Article written by Eric W. Dolan.
Wired: It’s Time to Log Off
On the negative psychological effects of doomscrolling, or of spending too much time online. Article written by Thor Benson.
Psychology Today: Are Pets Good for Our Brain Health?
The surprisingly beneficial neurological effects of pet ownership. Article written by Barbara Koltuska-Haskin, Ph.D.
PsyPost: Personality disorder traits are associated with greater loneliness
Research suggests that people with personality disorders, or show those traits, are more likely to feel disconnected from others. Article written by Mane Kara-Yakoubian.