Your attachment style — secure, avoidant, or fearful — is likely to inform the way you connect to others, and your feelings about yourself, if you are single and dating. Article written by Mane Kara-Yakoubian.
Psychology Today: Why Depression Can Make It Hard to Know You’re Depressed
Certain depressive symptoms can interfere with your insight into your own mood. Article written by Seth J. Gillihan PhD.
GoodTherapy: How to Decrease Burnout at Work or School
What contributes to burnout at the workplace, and what you can do about it.
PsyPost: Spontaneous self-affirmation is related to reduced boredom proneness via heightened meaning in life
A new study suggests that people who often engage in self-affirmation of their own skills and values are likely to find more meaning in life, and are also less prone to boredom. Article written by Eric W. Dolan.
Psychology Today: Strategies to Resist Yo-Yo Dieting Culture
Strategoes to help break the pattern of yo-yo dieting (or “weight cycling”). Article written by Lynsey K. Romo Ph.D.